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Forsaken Cinema began as Chuck's solo podcast back in the Summer of 2019. Ah, so very long ago indeed... Chuck was listening to all of his favorite horror podcasts at the time and thought to himself one day, "Hey! I can do that! And I bet I could do it better! I bet I could even do it better on my own!!" So Chuck put down his tall glass of cold, delicious milk, and set out to found the quite unpopular and mostly boring podcast, "Alone and Afraid". That's right - turns out Chuck was very wrong. Podcasting isn't as easy as he'd thought, especially producing a solo show. And it seemed he had also forgotten to consider just how unskilled he was at most things, including talking to himself. The podcast was abandoned after 14 episodes.

BUT!! Chuck's dream of having his own podcast didn't die, it was just going to need some help. So he pondered..."What about a cohost?" That seemed like a long shot as Chuck only had 3 real friends and only 1 of them was into horror. And she was like really into horror. But that wouldn't be enough...Would his longtime, tattoo sporting, dead dad joking, Meatball loving bestie be down to host a podcast with him every week? Could she commit to watching several movies, including ones she could potentially hate, every single week?? Could she possibly tolerate hours long conversations with this milk drinking lunatic week after week after week?????

YES!! Mel agreed to be Chuck's horror cohost and thus, Forsaken Cinema was born on March 29th, 2020. And they are still going strong to this very day discussing all the horror movies we love, we hate, and are more or less neutral on. Like the ones that are just "ok", y'know? Like middle of the road. Like there were some parts that were good, but like, the movie as a whole was just not good enough to really make you love it. Like it was almost really good, but could have been better...

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